Materials From Tentative Agreement Zoom Call

On December 12, the CWA-IBT bargaining team held a virtual meeting to discuss the details of the tentative agreement at American Airlines.
A recording of the call is now available here.

The PowerPoint presented during the meeting is viewable at:
Note: there was an error on the previous presentation used during the Zoom call. This is the correct, updated version.
Included in the presentation are wage scale graphs which allow you to compare the tentative agreement to the current contract.

Voting on the tentative agreement will take place starting on December 21 and will continue through January 8. You will receive your voting instructions to your American Airlines email account and your ballot will be sent to your email from Ballot Point, a vendor hired by CWA and IBT.
Over the next few weeks, the bargaining committee will visit stations to go over the tentative agreement and answer any questions you may have.
The meeting schedule is as follows and is subject to change but will updated:
- Dec 14, JFK 11:30 AM - 3 PM
- Dec 15, PHL 12 PM - 4 PM
- Dec 21, CLT Time TBD
- Dec 22, MIA Time TBD
- Dec 28, DFW Time TBD
- Dec 29, ORD Time TBD
Send any unanswered questions you have about the tentative agreement to, we are working on having members of the bargaining committee reach out to answer the questions individually.
Thank you to all the members who stood together throughout this fight for a fair contract for every agent at American Airlines. Your support and solidarity throughout the process inspired and motivated the bargaining committee and ultimately made a huge difference at the bargaining table.