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New Information for AA Reservations Agents

New Information for American Airlines Reservations Agents is detailed below as of March 22, 2020. Please submit your questions using this form and we will answer them as soon as possible.

Please also see the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for American agents here.

CWA has been working with the company to allow agents to work at home where possible in an effort to keep you safe, acknowledging the requests from so many of you. This is a test and hopefully, this can be expanded going forward. This also allows HBR agents at DFW to delay coming into the office.


Job Description:

We are looking for the following office-based reps to work from home on a temporary basis.

  • ConciergeKey
  • ConciergeKey Support
  • Executive Platinum
  • Resolution
  • Tariff
  • Vacations
  • Vacations Resolutions

Key Responsibilities:

  • Servicing the same call types on current desk at home for the duration of the assignment 
  • Participants will be asked to complete training on how to work from home via Citrix or VPN
  • All participants using company equipment will be responsible for any loss or damage to equipment
  • Limited VTO opportunities

Required Qualifications:

  • Citrix and VPN users will need a wired high-speed internet connection (10 down mpbs, 5 up mpbs)
  • All participants will need a designated work area free from distractions 
  • Citrix users will need a designated landline with voicemail and call waiting deactivated (cellphones do not qualify as a landline) and Windows 7 or higher in-home computer
  • VPN users will not require a designated phone and will connect using voice over IP

CCMs will be reaching out to determine eligibility and interest in the coming days. 

Q&A About Reservation Agent HBR Test

Is every domestic office-based team member eligible to work from home?
In short, no. We don’t have enough Citrix licenses or AACoRN sets available to allow everyone to go home, and not everyone will meet the infrastructure requirements to work from home. Our priority right now is finding a solution for our most critical desks. Your local leadership team will be able to provide more information. Res team members without a wired home high-speed internet connection are not eligible to work from home.

Which desks will be included in the work-from-home test?

  • ConciergeKey
  • ConciergeKey Support
  • Executive Platinum
  • Resolution
  • Tariff
  • Vacations
  • Vacations Resolutions

How will it be decided who works from home?
We’ll look at operational need and ability by department and award work-from-home opportunities by seniority within each category.

Can I work at a location other than my home? 
You are required to stay within a 75-mile radius of your office-based location.

Do I have to work from home, if I’m currently an office-based team member?
No. This is voluntary.

Will I receive training on how to set up my equipment at home?
Yes. Every office-based rep who’s selected to work from home will be given training on how to set up and work from home. 

I’m an office-based rep. If I select this option, does this mean I’m now a home-based rep?
No. If you’re an office-based rep who elects to work from home in the short term as part of this option, you will be considered a temporary HBR. The option may end at any time, and when it does you’ll be required to come back into the office.

Will my rate of pay change?
Yes, you will follow the rate of pay for a home-based rep for the duration of the assignment as outlined in Article 36.

If I take this option, how long can I work from home?
The situation is very fluid. We anticipate this will be a short-term option, but we’ve yet to decide exactly how long. If you’re unable to successfully work from home at any time, you will be required to report to your office location to work from there.

How can I indicate my desire to work from home?
Your CCM will reach out to you in order to understand the technical setup you have at home, and what might work for you. 

What are the technical requirements to work from home?

  • A home high-speed wired internet connection, with minimum speed requirements of 10 down, 5 up
  • A dedicated, quiet work area including suitable office furniture (chair and desk), good lighting and a grounded outlet
  • In some instances, you may need a Windows 7+ home computer with a dedicated phone line, or a monitor to plug into an AA Quantum set.

If I take the option to work from home, can I still take VTO?
VTO may be restricted while on this temporary work-from-home option as we are utilizing additional resources and licenses to accommodate the work-from-home option. VTO will be allocated separately for the temporary HBR positions and VTO may not be widely available, depending on call volume.

Will I have to return any American Airlines issued equipment?
Yes, it’s important that you return any American Airlines equipment issued to you. You may be responsible for any loss or damage to company equipment while it’s assigned to you.

What does this mean for the future of the HBR program?
Our current focus is on business continuity and providing flexibility to our team members most in need while continuing to serve our customers. There are no changes at this time to our Res restructuring initiative. If the need to maintain temporary HBR positions extends beyond the currently scheduled close date of April 27 for DFW HBR, that date will be adjusted and the DFW HBRs will not transition to the office until the temporary HBR program ends.