Bargaining Update #8

Our CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee met with American Airlines management last week in our seventh round of bargaining for a new contract.
The two sides exchanged proposals on the following articles:
Article 6: Overtime-Customer Service
Article 7: Overtime-Reservations
Article 9: Filling of Vacancies
Article 18: Sick Leave
Article 19: Holiday Vacation
Article 20: Vacations
The two sides reached tentative agreement on the language in Article 7: Overtime-Reservations and Article 19: Holiday Vacation, but not on the economic portions of those articles. Therefore, these two articles will now be held for the economics portion of bargaining.
The following articles are still open:
Article 3: Recognition and Scope
Article 4: Groups/Classifications
Article 5: Hours of Service
Article 6: Overtime-Customer Service
Article 9: Filling of Vacancies
Article 17: Leaves of Absence
Article 18: Sick Leave
Article 20: Vacations
Article 24: Shift Definitions and Premiums
Article 25: Grievance Procedure
Article 26: System Boards of Adjustment
Article 27: Insurance, Retirement, and Other Benefits
Article 28: Retirement Plan
Article 29: Training, Travel Pay, and Meal Per Diem
Article 31: Part-Time Employees
Article 32: Call Monitoring
Article 34: General and Miscellaneous
Article 36: Compensation
Article 37: Duration
As you can see, we have a long way to go, but our Bargaining Teams are committed to fighting for gains in every one of these articles. They need members' visible support to demonstrate to the company that we are all in this fight together. Recently, thousands of members signed the petition about the unilateral door-closing policy and hundreds of members have sent us their solidarity selfies, all of which has been noticed by management. Actions like these show the company that members are aware of what's happening in bargaining and are willing to take action to win a fair deal.
Stay Informed, Get Involved
Make sure we have your personal email address and cell phone number by filling in this form. And share this message with co-workers who may not already be on our email and text lists.
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Check in with your stewards or local officers to find out about mobilization actions at your station or center. And share your Solidarity Selfies and group pictures with us at We'll post them on
Our next round of bargaining will take place May 16-18.