Bargaining Update #15

The CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee met with American Airlines management last week in bargaining for a new contract.
All outstanding proposals were discussed. We are making progress on some items such as overtime, filing of vacancies, leaves of absence and grievance procedure; however, wages, benefits, and job protections are still open. We are facing concessions for reservations in Scope.
We are nearing the end of bargaining, so your help and support is needed now more than ever. There are mobilization activities at several airports scheduled within the next few weeks. Please make an effort to attend. Contact your Local for information on dates and time.
It is crucial for members to participate in mobilization activities to send a clear message to the Company that it’s time for a contract that protects our jobs and provides comparable wages and benefits in the airline industry.
Healthcare update: The Bargaining Committee met with the Company to make them aware of the problems members are experiencing with Surgery Plus. The Company has decided to postpone the expansion of Surgery Plus for joint and spine cases. There will be an announcement soon.
Now is the time to participate in your Local's mobilizations to Save Our Scope and show your support for a fair contract. Stay informed and share information with fellow members. Follow us on where you can like and share our updates and other bargaining related content. And share your Solidarity Selfies and group photos with us at Be sure to include your name and station, as well as your message of solidarity.