Bargaining Update #11

Our CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee met with American Airlines management last week in our tenth round of bargaining for a new contract. In a recent discussion between our bargaining teams and CEO Robert Isom, he committed to reach an agreement with our union that is competitive in the industry and not concessionary. Together, we will hold him to that commitment!
Last week at the bargaining table, the company responded to our proposals on the following articles:
Article 5, Hours of Service
Article 6, Overtime-Customer Service
Article 9, Filling of Vacancies
Article 14, Recall
Article 17, Leaves of Absence
The company made two new proposals on Article 16, Medical Examinations and Article 21, Limited Duty, which we then reached tentative agreements on. Our Bargaining Committee responded to all of the company's proposals and made a proposal on Article 34, General and Miscellaneous. We are very close to agreement in all of the above articles.
We have heard your questions and comments about when we will begin bargaining the economic elements of the contract. We understand your concerns. The company still has not responded to our proposed changes to Article 3, Recognition and Scope, which we made in October. This crucial article provides job security, and it is absolutely necessary to reach agreement on it before we move on to the economics.
Apart from contract bargaining, our union is fighting for additional improvements in our working conditions, including getting the company to make changes in the uniform policy to allow for tattoos and piercings. We are also working on improvements to the attendance policy and hope to see changes implemented soon.
Member Mobilization Makes the Difference
Members throughout the system are mobilizing and it's making a difference at the bargaining table. As we all know, the company needs to see and hear that we are united and ready to fight for the Industry Leading Contract we deserve. So continue to wear your wing pins and check in with your stewards or local officers about upcoming mobilization plans at your station or center. In particular, please SAVE THE DATE of August 15.
Stay informed and share information with fellow members. Make sure we have your personal email address and cell phone number by filling in this form. Follow us on where you can like and share our updates and other bargaining related content. And share your Solidarity Selfies and group pictures with us at
Our next round of bargaining takes place August 8-10. And don't forget to mark your calendars for August 15. More information to come.