Bargaining Update #10

Our CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee met with American Airlines management last week in our ninth round of bargaining for a new contract.
Our bargaining teams exchanged proposals with the company on several articles, including:
- Article 5, Hours of Service
- Article 6, Overtime-Customer Service
- Article 9, Filling of Vacancies
- Article 13, Voluntary Furlough
- Article 15, Furlough Benefits
- Article 17, Leaves of Absence
- Article 18, Sick Leave
- Article 20, Vacations
The two sides reached a tentative agreement on Article 13, Voluntary Furlough.
Our teams have proposed many changes to improve working conditions for members. It is difficult to reach agreement on some of the articles because the company is not moving. For example, they have not responded to our proposal on Article 3, Recognition and Scope. But we do expect to see their response in the next round of bargaining. This article is so important because it defines your protected work in the future, so we will put in whatever time it takes to get a fair agreement.
At the same time, we cannot agree on the articles that have an economic component until we start to negotiate the economics of the contract. We have made a strategic decision to leave the economics (including wages) until the end, which is quite common in negotiations.
Get Involved, Stay Informed
It was great to see the support from so many members for the Bargaining Committee last week. Check out all the photos here. Our bargaining teams AND the company took note of the turnout for mobilization activities at so many stations and centers. Continue to wear your wing pins and check in with your stewards or local officers about upcoming mobilization plans.
Make sure we have your personal email address and cell phone number by filling in this form. And share this message with co-workers who may not already be on our email and text lists.
Be sure to follow us on where you can like and share our updates and other bargaining-related content. And share your Solidarity Selfies and group pictures with us at We'll post them on
Our next round of bargaining begins on July 18.