How and When Can I Vote on the Tentative Agreement?
October 6th, 2015
If you have not received a packet from BallotPoint, and believe that you are an eligible voter, please click HERE.
Starting during the week of November 9, members who are eligible to vote started receiving their packets of materials from a company called BallotPoint.
The packets include a summary of the TA, voting instructions, and access numbers that allow members to vote online or by telephone. Voting will continue through 2 pm (eastern) on November 30. Votes will be tallied and the results will be announced on December 1.
If you are an eligible voter and have not received your packet, please click HERE and complete the form so that we can resolve any problems with your packet.
Voting Eligibility
Only members in good standing may vote on the agreement. To be a member in good standing for the purposes of the ratification vote, LUS members must be current on their union dues and LAA employees must have completed a membership form by October 9. If you are uncertain about your membership status, contact your local union office or send an email to and ask us to check your status.
Tentative Agreement Explanation Meetings and Video
Members can review the full TA at our website. A series of informational meetings at stations and reservations offices began in late October and will continue through November. For a frequently updated list of meetings, click here. In addition, we produced a video that explains the TA.
We will continue to share as much information as possible in preparation for the ratification vote. You can find updates on our website at and follow us on Facebook at American Agents Connected.