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Interim Grievance Procedure and Preferential Hiring Agreement

March 4, 2015

The Bargaining Committee is announcing an agreement regarding interim grievance and preferential hiring. This agreement is a temporary bridge until a final collective bargaining agreement is reached. The interim grievance agreement applies to Legacy AA employees, and the preferential hiring agreement applies to all employees. The agreement went into effect on February 11, 2015.

There are two parts to the agreement:

1. The first part of the agreement provides added rights for American Airlines employees who are not covered by a contract at this time. American Airlines employees will continue to work under American’s policies and procedures except that  the grievance procedure shall be modified to include the following provisions:

  • An employee shall be provided written notice if discharged.
  • Written notice, with a copy to the CWA/IBT Association, of the time and location of a hearing shall be provided to an employee at least 3 days prior to the hearing.
  • Employees may elect to have a representative of the Association attend and assist at hearings.  The representative will be granted access to the employee’s records with the employee’s permission.

2. The second part of the agreement relates to preferential hiring:

  • If either American Airlines or US Airways has a passenger service vacancy during the Interim Period, the airline with the vacancy shall offer the position to passenger service employees from the other airline who have recall rights resulting from furlough or displacement if the employees are from the same location and classification as the vacant position. (This does not apply to transfers.)

Read the full PDF iconLetter of Agreement